
Fallout 4 psycho jet
Fallout 4 psycho jet

fallout 4 psycho jet

  • New - Scav Magazine - All locations and details.
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  • Even in the old games I only really used them to pass skill checks and there aren't any in Fallout 4 so not very good.I'm writing a Guide to Nuka World, piece by piece. Meh tier: Mentats, the best use for these is probably combining with Buffout, turning into Grape Mentats, or selling to buy Jet and Psycho. Both have important situational uses, Buffout improves carry weight, and Med-X increases poison resistance. Pretty good: Buffout and Med-X, useful, but overshadowed in combat by Jet and Psycho. God Tier: Jet and Psycho, never sell these, if you have a sufficient amount of them you cannot be defeated by anything or anyone. If I had to tier them it would go something like this. Med-X is strong, and is good to take in a pinch, or when you're fighting enemies with poison attacks. Mentats are pretty worthless, but you can combine them with Buffout into a useful drug to pop all the time. You basically become a god every time you shoot it.

    fallout 4 psycho jet fallout 4 psycho jet

    I prefer making Psychojet since it increases your damage dealt, reduces your damage taken, and slows time for 15s.

    fallout 4 psycho jet

    And it gets even more broken because the duration of the slowdown effect is increased by 50% when you combine your Jet with Psycho or Buffout. Jet in particular is just VATS, but better. r/galaxynewsradio - Fallout-sounding musicĬhems are incredibly powerful and you should be using them. r/falloutcosplayers - Fallout-related cosplay r/Wasteland - A subreddit for the Wasteland games. r/thefalloutdiaries - Journal-like fan fiction. r/falloutmods - Fallout modding community r/classicfallout - Classic Fallout Games r/falloutlore - The lore of the Fallout series Piracy is a permanent ban, no warnings.Īll posts and comments in end, come down to moderator discretion. Posts promoting or facilitating piracy in any way will be removed. No dissemination of rumors / leaks without actual evidence. Posts with clickbait, extremely vague, or misleading titles will be removed. More than 1 in 10 of your posts or comments being self-promotional is spamming. Always follow Reddit guidelines for self-promotion when sharing your own content. Absolutely no harassment, witchhunting, sexism, racism or hate speech will be tolerated.ĭo not spam. Keep it civil and do not make personal attacks to other users. Comments are fine.įollow proper Reddiquette when submitting and commenting.

  • Complete Fix guide for all Fallout GamesĪll Posts must be directly related to Fallout.

  • Fallout 4 psycho jet